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Aegeon Science Fiction Illustrated

Aegeon is an illustrated sci-fi compilation which appears quarterly (ideally).


Science fiction is a tradition which began in earnest in the atomic age, evolved to great heights and popularity through the psychedelic age, lasting well into the 1980’s, and mysteriously diminished as a pop culture presence around the turn of the century. But great things never truly vanish. Well-crafted science fiction, with it’s brother fantasy fiction, are genres for people who have an interest in creativity, exploration, optimism, and novelty.

Aegeon Science Fiction is an attempted revival at practicing this high art. A creative exploration of spiritual and consciousness-expanding ideas, inspired by the classic period of the genre, which remains endlessly conceptually fertile. For in recombination, from the root concept, the possibilities of evolving novelties are endless.


Aegeon has an essentialist ethos which does not pander to fleeting values, but explores, unhindered and uncompromisingly, the hidden realms of the imagination.A cosmic fishing trip for ideas which exist already, in perfection, waiting to be remembered.


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